
Bienvenidos a La Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neuroquirúrgicos

Donde Nuestra preocupación es su Recuperación

Write a warm welcoming message for visitors.You can mention all the benefits or services with some real examples. You can also state how you emphasize on their well being. This often shows your concern and increases the chances of conversion.

Tell people a little more to attract.You can mention some contact details as shown below to get in touch with visitors.


NeuroUCI, Laboratorio Simulación 7, Neurocirugía Almenara

You can use these sections to highlight the features of heading. Use these paragraphs to focus on the topic you want. Make sure you keep it short and attractive.

NeuroUCI, Laboratorio Simulación 4, Neurocirugía Almenara

Patologías que tratamos

You can use these sections to highlight the features of heading. Use these paragraphs to focus on the topic you want. Make sure you keep it short and attractive.
Hipertensión Endocraneal

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Diabetes Insípida Trans Electrolíticos

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Hemodinamia y Ventilación mecánica

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Vasoespasmo cerebral

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Infecciones del SNC Infecciones sistém

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Neurointensivismo Pediátrico

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Nuestros Neurointensivistas

Nuestros NEUROINTENSIVISTAS realizan el monitoreo y tratamiento neurointensivo de pacientes operados de diversas patologías cerebrales como tumores cerebrales, aneurismas, malformaciones así como operados de columna vertebral. Además cada uno se ha subespecializado en un área particular del neurointensivismo con la finalidad de ofrecer el mejor tratamiento a cada paciente.

Dr Pedro Morales, NeuroUCI, Neurocirugía Almenara

Dr Pedro Morales

Coordinador NeuroUCI

Dr Jorge Ruiz


Pedro Morales Neurouci Almenara

Dr Wilber Centeno


Dr David Saldarriaga, NeuroUCI, Neurocirugía Almenara

Dr David Saldarriaga


Dr Ermitaño Bautista, Neurointensivista, Neurocirugía Almenara

Dr Ermitaño Bautista



Dra Vanesa Saavedra


Dr Johan Pinedo


Dr Samuel Chambilla, Neurointensivista, NeuroUCI, Neurocirugía Almenara

Dr Samuel Chambilla



Dra Liz Casildo


Pedro Morales Neurouci Almenara

Dr Intensivista


Catéteres PIC
Catéteres CVC
Traquestomías percutáneas
Doppler TC realizados